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UFMG forges closer ties with Chinese universities
Release time:2023-12-28
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In 2024, UFMG is expected to sign academic exchange and scientific cooperation agreements with universities in Mainland China, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Turkey and, together with the Brazilian embassy in China, will organise an agenda of events to celebrate the 50th anniversary of Brazil's resumption of diplomatic relations with the Asian country. These are some of the results of the visit that Rector Sandra Goulart and the Director of International Relations, Aziz Saliba, made to Mainland China and Hong Kong from the 8th to the 14th of December.

Sandra Goulart made a positive assessment of the tour of Asia. "Throughout the week, we were able to build and strengthen relationships with various global leaders, with a view to the scientific, technological and social development of UFMG and Brazilian society through research, extension, innovation, entrepreneurship and collaborations," she said.

Also in Hong Kong, Sandra Goulart met with leaders from the South China University of Technology (China) and Koc University (Turkey). The two institutions intend to establish partnerships with UFMG in 2024.

(Source: Official website of the Federal University of Minas Gerais)