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Chinese company sponsors Portuguese football league
Release time:2016-01-27
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Chinese company Ledman Optoelectric is sponsoring Portugal’s football league “Segunda Liga”, according to a protocol signed this week in Beijing with the Portuguese Professional Football League.

The President of the Portuguese Professional Football League, Pedro Proença, and the President of Ledman Optoelectric, Martin Lee, attended the signing ceremony.

In a statement, the Chinese firm said the partnership would “promote Chinese and Portuguese football business co-operation and … exchanges”. It also said it would help improve “the level of football in China”.

According to Mr Lee’s speech at the signing ceremony – quoted in the company’s statement –, “Segunda Liga” would now be officially named as Ledman Proliga. The agreement also provides Ledman Optoelectric “a series of business co-operation rights” as the company becomes “the first Chinese company” to title sponsor a European football league, the statement said.

“Ledman aims to send 10 players and 3 assistant coaches to the top 10 clubs of Segunda Liga, and is devoted to enhancing the [quality] level of Chinese players,” the statement added.