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Government and GWM Brasil evaluate new businesses in Espírito Santo
Release time:2023-08-24
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GWM Brasil executives learned about the competitive advantages that Espírito Santo has due to its strategic location, its port complex, the implementation of an Export Processing Zone (ZPE) and the State's tax incentive policy. The issues were addressed during a meeting with the governor of Espírito Santo, Renato Casagrande.

Currently, 100% of the vehicles sold by GWM Brasil in Brazil are imported by Espírito Santo. "We are investing in infrastructure to increase our logistical potential. We want to create conditions; in addition to exports, we want the company to produce some activity in our state," declared the governor of the state.

Another issue on the agenda among the authorities was the possibility of including the State in the GWM hydrogen vehicle project, which provides for the establishment of cargo transport routes in Brazilian territory with hydrogen trucks. The forecast is that the first truck, which will be used in the initial tests, will arrive in Brazil by the end of this year.

(Source: HOJE ES)