On the 7th of February, the creation of the Bahia-China Parliamentary Front was registered, which will be chaired by state deputy Angelo Almeida. The objective is to strengthen cooperation between the state and the country, as well as create educational mechanisms that strengthen the culture between Bahia and China, with the participation of the Confucius Institute, which is maintained by the Chinese International Education Foundation.
A study by the Federal University of Bahia (Ufba) shows that since 2018, the country has established itself as the state’s main trading partner, accounting for 32.8% of Bahian exports.
There are still several ongoing projects involving the state and the country; the growing presence of Chinese immigrants in Bahia, and cultural and scientific exchanges between Bahian and Chinese universities, especially in the areas of engineering and technology, which, Angelo believes, can be enhanced.
In December last year, the creation of the Bahia-China Parliamentary Front was discussed in a meeting with the Consul General of China in Rio de Janeiro, Tian Min. Angelo Almeida was the author of the idea.
(Source: Acorda Cidade)