Hong Kong's Secretary for Innovation, Technology and Industry, Sun Dong, arrives in Lisbon on March 6th, accompanied by entrepreneurs from the digital, online commerce and technology sectors. Bernardo Mendia, president of the Portugal - Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce and Industry, highlighted the importance of the visit for Portuguese companies and the HKSAR as a complement to Portuguese contacts in Macau.
Mendia said: “As the Portugal-Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce and Industry, we consider this visit to be extremely important, and highly value the attention being paid to Portugal. It's important, above all, because it concerns an area as specific as innovation,” adding that this is an area in which Hong Kong is investing a lot and which has been a priority for the region's authorities, and this is something we have in common with Portugal, which has also invested in technology and scientific development. What Portugal should do is seize this opportunity, reach out to the secretary and work in partnership.
(Source: Plataforma Media, on March 6)