On November 27, the premiere of the series "Understanding Chinese Classics" was held in Beijing, organized by Edições de Línguas Estrangeiras, under the guidance of the China International Communications Group and the Brazilian Embassy in China. The three works "The Analects of Confucius", "Daodejing" and "The Immortal of Southern China: a cultural reading of the Zhuangzi", translated by Giorgio Sinedino, allow more Brazilian readers to learn about the profound heritage of Chinese culture.
Gao Anming, the editor-in-chief of the China International Communications Group, noted in his speech that the works provided an opportunity to appreciate the charms of traditional Chinese culture.
Advisor to the Department of Latin America and the Caribbean of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China, Zhang Wenwei, assessed that Sinedino's works are not only a careful interpretation of Chinese classical documents but also the inheritance and development of the tradition of friendly cultural exchanges between China and Brazil, which will allow more readers to appreciate the breadth and depth of classical Chinese culture, come into contact with the wisdom and charm of Chinese culture spanning thousands of years, and promote mutual understanding and respect between different cultures.
(Source: XINHUA Portuguese, on November 29)