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Jiangzhou supports sustainable development in Angola
Release time:2024-09-04
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Chinese company Jiangzhou is investing in the sustainable development of Angola by implementing several economic and social projects.

In Huambo, the company has invested almost US$20 million and has 2,000 hectares of plantation area, planting corn, soybeans, rice and sisal plants.

In the meantime, at the Huambo Farm, the company has created more than 500 local jobs and built a school and a health clinic for the local population, as well as renovating more than 40 kilometers of rural roads.

In March of this year, Jiangzhou signed a cooperation agreement with the provincial government of Cuanza-Sul to invest US$15 million in partial agricultural planting, eucalyptus farming, firewood cutting and charcoal burning for local silicon production companies.

In addition, the company is building the Taizhou Hope Primary School in Quibala and will promote educational exchanges with a school in China.

(Source: O País, on September 2)