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China resumes "appetite" for Brazilian beef
Release time:2024-05-27
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Brazilian exports of fresh beef to China, which fell sharply in March/24, resumed strongly in April/24, Agrifatto points out.

According to Agrifatto, although Brazil has increased the volume shipped to other countries, the Chinese share of total exports grew significantly in April/24: it hit 49%, an increase of 4 percentage points over the historical average of 45%.

"Brazil is by far the largest supplier of beef to China," notes Agrifatto. According to the Asian country's official statistics, in March/24 alone, Brazil exported 96,800 tons of beef to the Chinese market.

The Chinese government released import data for March/24. In that month, China imported 246.8 thousand tons of beef, 7.3% more than in February/24 and 15.3% more than in March/23. Chinese imports totaled US$ 1.19 billion, 8.8% more than the total value for February/24 and 7.2% higher than the same period last year.

(Source: Portal DBO, on May 20)