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Nuclep and ZPMC prepare MOU with China's ZPMA
Release time:2024-04-08
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On a recent strategic mission to China, representatives of Nuclebrás Equipamentos Pesados S.A. (NUCLEP) laid the foundations for a Memorandum of Understanding with the giant Zhenhua Heavy Industries Company (ZPMC).

The choice of China Merchants Industry (CMI) and Zhenhua Heavy Industries Company (ZPMC) as points of contact in this mission is not random. Both represent the pinnacle of Chinese technology and industrial production in offshore engineering equipment. ZPMC, which owns 70% of the world's port crane market, is emerging as a potentially transformative partner for NUCLEP's and Brazil's future plans.

The purpose of the trip was not just to see the facilities of these industrial giants, but to start talks on a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with ZPMC. This partnership aims to increase Brazil's capacity to manufacture modules for oil platforms, specifically those destined for Petrobras.

(Source: Defesa em foco, on April 1)