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Ambassador Xu Yingzhen publishes an article in Medias of São Tomé and Príncipe
Release time:2024-01-12
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On January 9, Ambassador Xu Yingzhen published in Agência STP-Press, Téla-Nón, RSTP, Joranal Tropical and Jornal Transparência the article entitled "New Journey in the New Era, New Perspectives in Chinese Diplomacy".

The article reads that China shares broad common interests and a large scope for cooperation with medium and small developing countries, including São Tomé and Príncipe, on issues such as peace and security and climate change, and is committed to providing them with support for their range. Recently, China signed with STP during COP28 a memorandum of understanding for joint implementation of the African Solar Belt project within the scope of South-South cooperation to combat climate change and committed to delivering 3100 sets of photovoltaic solar energy systems for domestic use. This was a vivid example of our commitment to upholding multilateralism.

China has been exploring possibilities for economic and trade cooperation with STP. In 2022, the two parties signed the Exchange of Letters regarding the granting by the Government of China of zero-tariff treatment for 98% of the tariff headings of products originating in São Tomé and Príncipe that are exported to China. We hope that this agreement will facilitate the access of “Pearl of Africa” products to the Chinese market.

(Source: Embassy of the People's Republic of China in the Democratic Republic of São Tomé and Príncipe)