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Chinese target investments in amino acid production from Mato Grosso corn
Release time:2023-10-24
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A delegation from the Chinese company Ningxia Eppen, a manufacturer of human, animal and plant nutrition products, came to Mato Grosso on 18 October to prospect for business with an interest in investing in the state. 

On the occasion, the Chinese group highlighted Mato Grosso's economic potential in terms of generating raw materials, which is corn. The aim of the meeting was to discuss the possibilities of setting up a biological fermentation industry to produce amino acids from corn.

The intention, according to information provided to the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil), is an investment of around US$ 600 million and a projection to produce 350,000 tonnes of amino acids and 200,000 tonnes of by-products annually. 

In addition to the economic impact, the initiative has a significant prospect of generating employment, with around a thousand direct jobs expected to be created. 

(Source: Canal Rural)